Top 10 KPIs Every Marketing Team Should Track

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Are you winning the race towards your business goals?

To learn that you must make sure each of your teams knows exactly what they’re supposed to do to contribute to the overall company progress. But it may not be so easy to determine what KPIs they should monitor to determine whether they’re on the right track.

For example, your marketing team. There are numerous KPIs that may be relevant to your goals, but tracking too many can cause chaos – and zero possibilities for an accurate analysis. To help your marketing team pick the most relevant KPIs, we’ve prepared a list of the top 10 KPIs their dashboard must have.

Cost per Lead

Divide your overall marketing spend by the number of new leads you’ve acquired. You’ll get a pretty good idea of whether you should readjust something in your strategy to make it more efficient.

Organic Traffic

This KPI can help you understand where you stand with your SEO efforts. Need to focus more on your target keywords? Check the number of visits that came from organic searches.

Visitor-to-Lead Ratio

How many visitors need to come to your website for you to reach your lead number goals? Tracking the visitor-to-lead ratio can help you calculate this.

Landing Page Conversion Rate

What services or products do you offer are most popular among your website visitors or social media followers? You can find out by tracking your landing page conversion rates.

Bounce Rate

Your goal is to provide high-quality, relevant, and user-friendly content on your website. Having a high bounce rate can help you identify a potential issue on your website and fix it. You may need better content, but also to optimize your page load speed.

Scroll Depth

Pageviews may not tell you the whole truth about your content quality. Scroll depth shows you how far people scroll through your content, so you’ll know if they actually read whole blog posts on your website. Low scroll depth percentage may indicate your content needs optimization.

Social Shares

How do people engage with your website content? Sharing your articles on social media may be a good indicator of your content value since people gladly share things they find helpful. It means your targeting is on point and your posts resonate with your audience.

Opens by Device

Is it via mobile or on desktop computers? It’s important to know what devices people use to access your website so you can make sure it’s 100% mobile responsive if you want to avoid losing visitors and potential customers due to poor user experience. Also, opens by device can help you with your email marketing design.  

Click-Through Rate

It’s vital to measure your click-through rate whether it’s your internal links or those you share on your social media accounts. You can then identify the posts with the highest CTR, analyze them to learn why they’re so successful,  and try to replicate them in the future.

Relevance Score

When running campaigns on Facebook or Instagram, it’s good to keep an eye on the relevance score of your ads. It will tell you if your ad visuals or copy are on point or you need to modify them to get better results and engage your audience more.

KPIs That Matter

In the sea of metrics available through different analytics tools, it may be a challenge for your marketing team to pick the right ones to track. At a glance, social media likes and comments may seem like a good way to go, but that’s not always the case. After all, likes aren’t called vanity metrics for nothing.

There are more important KPIs that can give you the right information about your marketing efforts, so you can easily identify what’s going south and fix it, or replicate your most effective strategies for future success.

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