Field Notes

SEO: The Basics

Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day. Through the practice of SEO, a business is able to place its information at the top of those billions of daily searches, making it much more likely that a potential customer will visit their website for more information. But how do you go about the process […]

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Intangibles: Beyond Goods and Services

If your company provides physical objects for money, you sell products. If your company performs activities for money, you sell a service. Makes sense, right? But, these days the line between products and services is blurry. Product retailers often promote a buying experience and invisible benefits. Services companies showcase their skills and solutions. In a competitive market, both

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How To Build a Demand Generation Strategy

If you’re like many business owners, you chafe at the thought of another new marketing trend. Despite advances in digital marketing, many business owners still feel like their marketing efforts just aren’t converting. Email campaigns are getting filtered into spam folders. Social media pages are virtual ghost towns. Company blogs are ignored. Even pay-per-click campaigns are

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The Missing Ingredient In Sales and Marketing

Prior to a decade ago, impersonal advertising ruled the world. At the time, wizards of promotion reached massive audiences to tout brand authority or product reliability as the key benefits for the buyer. With a relatively captive audience, marketers achieved tremendous success using well-produced advertising to generate demand for their goods. Then came the fragmentation of

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What Out-Of-Home Advertising Can Teach You About Messaging

“Brevity is the soul of wit” – William Shakespeare “Words may show a man’s wit, but actions his meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin Blight. Visual pollution. Sewage on a stick. I’ve heard it all before. After 9 years in the out-of-home industry, I’ve encountered every attitude and opinion, positive and negative, about billboards. For now, let’s put aside those feelings

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